Tech East launches Digital Innovation Programme for SMEs
Tech East is partnering with Amazon Web Services to bring two weeks of digital innovation support to the region’s small businesses.
The first week, April 29th – 6th of May, focuses of the “art of the possible for SMEs”. It will provide inspiration and practical examples highlighting how SMEs in the UK are leveraging cloud capabilities to transform and differentiate their businesses. The aim is to help businesses realise opportunities to drive growth, reduce costs and improve customer experience. The types of session include interactive webinars, fireside chats with SMEs and drop-in support sessions.
The second week, starting 24th of May, focuses on a five day, 9 hour “invent with Amazon program” where businesses will be able to get hands-on help from AWS to define a new product, service or experience that will delight customers. Participants will “work backwards” from their customers, using tried and tested Amazon methods, and then be supported to bring their new digital offering to life and test it with their customers.
Watch Tech East COO Tim Robinson explain more about the programme here.